the quest for safety
David Hansen wrote:
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:32:16 +0100 someone who may be
"Steve Moore" wrote this:-
The alleged 'right of way' of pedestrians is, in the real
world, an irrelevance; cars are big and hard, pedestrians
are small and squashy...
Ah, might is right. Not a good way to run a society.
Far better to run it with rules, such as Rule 146 of the
Take extra care at junctions.
You should watch out for cyclists, motorcyclists and
as they are not always easy to see
watch out for pedestrians crossing a road into which you
turning. If they have started to cross they have priority,
so give way
It's amazing the number of people who pretend they have not
this rule when it suits them.
I've pointed this out to car drivers, and get reactions such as "there's no