Crossrail tunnelling to start shortly
On 15/03/2012 20:44, allantracy wrote:
If it is 13 years late by your reckoning it was 1994 when it ought to
have been approved - but it was not - by a Tory government.
The previous study that made as far as a Bill were presented in 1991
to a Tory gov finally rejected in 1994 by a Tory gov.
How do you think now then ?
Well therein lies the difference
Tories said we're not doing it and doing it they did not.
New Labour said we are doing it and doing it they did not.
Providing you ignore all the years of preparatory work that has been
going on before they could get to the point of unleashing the TBMs.
Graeme Wall
This account not read, substitute trains for rail.
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