German fare dodgers cause headache for public transport operators- The Guardian
On 17/03/2012 12:14, Mizter T wrote:
On Mar 17, 9:16 am, Arthur wrote:
On 17/03/2012 01:48, Hans-Joachim Zierke wrote:
Ross schrieb:
Have you actually got any idea how revenue collection is generally
handled on British buses, HaJo?
Clue: the London "pay before you board" area is not the way the rest
of the country works.
As soon as the only check is the bus driver, and there aren't any
inspectors in the buses, it's very easy to get through.
How? Drivers tend to notice people walking past them without paying.
Outside London, buses generally only have one door, by the driver.
Bendy-buses aren't very common.
It's also very rare for someone to try and board the rear (exit) door
of a London bus - perhaps surprisingly so, if one actually thinks
about it,
And when they do, they tend to be foreigners.
but it's just not the done thing - I think Neil Williams
described it as an 'invisible force field'.
Perhaps large numbers of potential fare dodgers get free travel anyway?
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK