King's Cross: the Parcel Yard
Just home from a look around the station, but mainly to check out the Parcel
I'm impressed by the pub, although I don't know what the interior of the old
parcels office looked like. The impression is that a lot of the interior and
wood has been left intact creating an amazing number of rooms, snugs and
hidden corners. It is on two floors with the upper floor more food focused.
Some random railway stuff on the walls, but parts of the place oozes old
railway. Minimal historic data on a couple of boards but a more detailed
info board/leaflet would be good. OK the beer was London prices, but I had
expected it to be London plus surcharge and it wasn't that expensive. Much
of the Fullers portfolio on the handpumps.
I'll reserve full judgement on the station as St P impressed me at first
until I realised it was a crap station (good architecture and shopping I
agree though). Not sure if the arrivals/departures were to be kept
completely separate, but there is a temporary looking way through currently
next to the gates at the south end. Amused by the huge Japanese (?) school
party queuing to be photographed one by one at platform 9 3/4.
The centre footbridge gives impressive views of the trainshed. I will almost
certainly use this way to the platforms, at least for now, as fewer
passengers know of the route. Once it gets known it may be different. EC had
already perfected the art of not announcing your train until the last minute
and I do wonder if irregular passengers departing from platform 0 especially
will miss their train - time they've found where to go, fought with the
gates etc?
The helpers with their giant foam fingers pointing the way are a novel idea.
They have a little leaflet to hand out with the plan and info on the new