On 4/6/2012 12:10 PM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
On Apr 6, 1:12 pm, "Adam H. wrote:
GTE, Cable& Wireless. A GTE subsidiary offered telephone service
in Dominican Republic in the 1940's, which is why that country is in NANP.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any opinion regarding the service
and equipment quality of GTE/Automatic Electric vs. the Bell System/
Western Electric?
I have no clue.
Having lived in GTE territory most of my life, with a couple of years in
Ma Bell territory in between, I'd say that the phones themselves were
Service was another thing all together. Things got so bad in the late
1970s that the city of Santa Monica considered giving GTE the boot in
favor of Pacific Bell. Admittedly, there was always a dial tone, but
noise on the lines was horrible, and getting any kind of service problem
taken care of was very slow.
They eventually improved, thank Dog, before we started hooking up modems!
It's now Verizon. Service is great. Bureaucracy stinks.