Originally Posted by Neil Williams
From the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17722416
My view: why not ban all taxis, Addison Lee and black cabs, from bus
lanes? A very significant cause of delays to buses is taxis stopping
to pick up and (more significantly) drop off in bus lanes.
You're combining two separate issues. Whether taxis of any kind should be allowed to drive in bus lanes is one issue. (Whether there should be bus lanes at all is another!)
Quite separate is the question of taxis picking up and setting down in bus lanes. I leave you to dictate to the elderly, the sick, the physically disabled and the blind that they are not allowed to be set down or picked up from outside their building and that regardless of the severity of their problems and regardless of the distance involved they must move themselves to a location where there is no bus lane.