I've just spotted the following article on the BBC News site (via
Infotransport). Is this traffic for T5 construction works? And if so, how is
it getting from West Drayton to the construction site? Come to think of
that, how is it getting to Denham in the first place?
UK canal freight rolls again
Two building materials firms have agreed to deliver sand and gravel by barge
as part of a UK Government-backed effort to relieve road congestion.
Under the deal, nearly half a million tonnes of sand and gravel will move
through the canal network between Denham and West Drayton in west London
over the next seven years.
The contract, the first major canal freight deal in 30 years, will take an
estimated 45,000 lorry journeys off the road network.
It follows an extensive infrastructure upgrade on a five-mile stretch of
west London's canal network, backed by grants worth nearly £500,000 from the
Department of Transport and the London Waterway Partnership.
"We would like to see greater use of sustainable alternatives to road
freight because of the real environmental benefits these can bring," said
Transport Minister David Jamieson.
Traffic problem
According to British Waterways, the company which manages Britain's
2,000-mile canal network, there is "great potential" for canal freight deals
with construction and waste disposal firms.
The government's effort to re-establish the waterway network as a freight
transport route comes amid rising concern over traffic congestion, with some
experts warning that the UK's roads face gridlock if the problem is not
They are calling for greater use of road tolls and car share schemes, as
well as efforts to make rail transport cheaper and more reliable.
Canals were originally built for freight transport in the eighteenth and
nineteenth century, but have been superseded by road haulage.
The waterway network is now used mainly for leisure activities such as
boating holidays.
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7