Addison Lee tells drivers to drive in bus lanes
On 2012\04\18 12:09, David Cantrell wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 06:14:33PM +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
Quite separate is the question of taxis picking up and setting down in
bus lanes. I leave you to dictate to the elderly, the sick, the
physically disabled and the blind that they are not allowed to be set
down or picked up from outside their building and that regardless of the
severity of their problems and regardless of the distance involved they
must move themselves to a location where there is no bus lane.
As with parking I am quite happy for there to be exceptions for people with
genuine need like that
How does a cabbie know that his prospective customer (or indeed his
customer) has a genuine need? You have to remember that not all
mobility impairments are visible.
How, for example, is a cabbie meant to tell that the person standing at
the side of the road and waving at him has recently sprained his ankle
and that walking a few hundred yards to some obscure side street (down
which far fewer cabs will travel while looking for custom, but never
mind that) will be very painful?
Or that the young fit person jumping up and down waving for the cab is
accompanying the old mobility-impaired person leaning on the nearby wall?