Chiltern Services Between Amersham & Harrow
"MetroGnome" wrote in message
I'm aware of the suggestion that there *might* not be a survey (with some
sort of revenue/track access bartering agreement being used instead) - but
as far as I can see, this wasn't confirmed. Hence, I began my comments
the phrase "Assuming that an annual passenger survey is indeed used" -
clearly showing that the following comments only applied if a survey *was*
I don't consider that pointing out the flaws in your logic constitutes a
Fairy nuff. I got shot down to some order last year when mentioning that
CRCL got no benefit from LUL passengers using their trains so I'm probably a
bit over-sensitive on the subject. I'm pleased to have found out that, after
all the abuse, other posters have recently confirmed that I was correct
after all!
The point still stands though that, with rising passenger numbers over the
past ten years, those of us from Amersham and beyond are getting fed up with
having to stand on peak journeys from Marylebone whilst LUL passengers for
Harrow, Ricky, Chorleywood and Chalfont (who contribute nothing to CRCL's
coffers) occupy the seats, due to the ridiculous demands of the Passenger
Service Requirement, formulated on 1995 figures. Even four years ago, when I
was using the 18:57 from Marylebone almost daily, it was impossible to get a
seat if you arrived later than 18:45.
Personally I think that a fun (although impractical) solution would be to
place LUL ticket holders in a queue at Marylebone, like that used when
assembling footie fans travelling to Wembley, whilst 'proper' Chiltern
passengers board. Then, say four minutes before departure, let the LUL
passengers onto the platform to take up any unused seats or to stand. That
way any Chiltern passengers who arrive in reasonable time for the train get
a seat, whilst the bulk of the 'short hop', non-revenue earning passengers
(Dons flak jacket and ducks for cover!)