A Stock Finale
On Apr 24, 5:14*pm, bob wrote:
On 2012-04-24 12:12:09 +0000, Peter Masson said:
"77002" wrote
Yes, I recall the short trains. *The four car units had cabs at both
ends. *The three car units had a cab at one end. *Daytime services
were four car only.
AIUI the A stock were always in 4-car sets and originally had operative
cabs at both ends. Until quite recently a few units were kept with
operative cabs at both ends, to work the Chesham branch diagram, and
they were also used in 4-car formation when they worked the East London
Line. But for many years most units have had an operative cab at one
end only, so have been used exclusively in 8-car formation.
My understanding is that the deactivation (in passenger service) of the
cabs at one end of most of the units happenned when the units were
converted to driver only operation. *In driver-and-guard operation, the
door controls were at the opposite end of the driving motor cars from
the cab, hence the single doors at that location (unlike the trailer
cars that have three double doors per side, none at the ends). *When
DOO was introduced, single units were no longer generally used other
than for the East London line and the Chesham shuttle, so apart from
the units used for those services, the units only had door controls
installed in one cab per unit, with the other cab coupled at the inner
end of a double set.
Tank you for the clarrification.