How far does my staff Oyster take me?
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 06:57:10PM +0100, Paul Corfield wrote:
BR privatisation is the cut off point for whether TfL employees have
privilege facilities or not.
Ahh, OK, I guess that makes sense.
Further some TfL employees come from
predecessor organisations who have no historical entitlement to
privilege ticket facilities. It needs to be said that with the sheer
complexity of rail ticketing and advent of cheap advance tickets that
the value of the privilege facility has reduced enormously over the
My parents make a lot of use of their ration of free 48hr passes, and I
suppose the european travel passes (do they still exist?) would be
valuable. Back when I were a lad, kiddy priv fares were capped at a
pound. I used to travel all over the place for next to nothing. Return
from the south coast to Mallaig? Pocket money!
David Cantrell | Bourgeois reactionary pig
Please stop rolling your Jargon Dice and explain the problem
you are having to me in plain English, using small words.
-- John Hardin, in the Monastery