London National Rail - Permits To Travel discontinued but still required by Law !!!
"CJB" wrote in message
And not only rural areas. The same pertains to all stations between
Reading and Paddington if not further afield. All the FGW machines are
designed to take cards and cash and some work with Oyster too. Yet the
cash function has been disabled with extreme reluctance by FGW to
restore this. Hence the original problem - with no means to purchase
tickets by cash and without any PTT machines what is the legal
standing of tavelling without a normal ticket or a PTT?
You pay on the train or at the destination. This is clearly explained in
the conditions of carriage.
I can only assume that, because others have mentioned this already, you are
now wilfully ignoring the facts. Given that there is no legal requirement
for PTT machines either, why do you still go on?
Paul S