Charles Ellson:
"The amount to be paid on the C stock is now 51 per cent. per year. If
this rate of interest is not paid to the C stock holders in each of
any three consecutive years after June 30, 1935, the holders may
appoint a receiver."
Phew! (or has someone missed a decimal point ?)
Well, you can see from other parts of the text -- especially the
third-last paragraph -- how bad the OCR is. I wish they'd given us
a full-resolution scan of the original page instead of a thumbnail.
Here I think the 1 is supposed to be a ½, giving 5½. Similarly for
the + sign in the next paragraph: 5+ is again 5½. The fact that
£5,100,000 and 51 start with the same two significant digits would
just be a coincidence.
Mark Brader, Toronto | It is never good to adapt the design to the software;
| it should be the other way around. --J.A. Durieux
My text in this article is in the public domain.