London National Rail - Permits To Travel discontinued but stillrequired by Law !!!
On May 30, 9:40*pm, ian batten wrote:
On May 30, 9:19*pm, S wrote:
You could pay a deposit by Giro transfer
Yes, online banking works as a replacement for debit cards. * How
large is the set of people who have access to online banking, but do
not have debit cards?
You don't even need online banking, you can even go to a branch. It is
not just what people can do, but what they prefer, and it seems that
in Germany there are enough people who prefer to pay by bank transfer
that it is offered as an option on many websites. Reasons apart from
the lack of debit card can include security, if you make a bank
transfer, the merchant won't be able to debit your account, your bank
account number is safe; from the merchant's point of view, he only
needs a bank account to accept payments, which he would have anyway,
and there are no extra processing costs.