Well I enjoyed it - the Flotilla
On 05/06/2012 02:06, Charles Ellson wrote:
On Mon, 04 Jun 2012 23:20:19 +0100,
Take a good look at the Heads of State of the various nations. None
compare with Her Majesty, none come even close to comparing with her.
She is irreplaceable at any price.
The argument for replacing the monarchy kind of falls apart when you
mention a possible alternative of say President Tony Blair.
I agree, the thought of a President Bliar or Cameron is chilling, as
history shows they can be bought.
Even worse if you wind back a few years to Old Iron Knickers who had
she been president would probably have tried her damnedest to
out-supreme any past royals of any country.
What do you mean "would have", she did! We are a grandmother!
Like Charlie my disagreement with the continuation of the monarchy is on
humanitarian grounds.
Graeme Wall
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Railway Miscellany at http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail