Freedom Pass and Oyster Pre Pay?
"Anon" wrote in message
The new Freedom pass does not have the pre-pay facility. As you say some
people travel before 09.00 so it would be helpful for this to be enabled.
would suggest requesting this but who from I do not know maybe oyster
helpline or maybe the local authority who issued it.
Thanks, I will try and give it a go - not holding out much hope but it does
seem sensible to enable pre-pay on Freedom Passes
As it is a smatcard they can be made valid for however long. In the past
there were a lot of illegally used freedom passes and very little chance
stopping them. This system means that as soon as a card is lost or stolen
can be stopped from working the gates.
Finally if you want your Father to have free travel all the time ask for a
disabled freedom pass.
I can't seem to find the criteria that "entitles" one to a disabled freedom
Do you know if its online somewhere (or do they just give it to anyone who
Though, I can see my father disagreeing with this course of action as I
imagine he doesn't think of himself as disabled and would therefore object
on principle applying for such a card, as he woudnt believe he was
entitled to it (unless the criteria that I can't find say...)