In message , Paul
Cummins writes
We were about to embark at Dover, when (Mike
Hughes) came up to me and whispered:
Wrong. Taxi drivers are required to take an additional driving
test before they get their licence. This includes the correct
procedure to accommodate wheelchair users.
Wrong. This is not a "Driving test" as the DSA do not implement it.
Get your facts straight. It is a DSA test - failure means that you don't
get your licence.
It is a Conduct test.
AS for the rest of your drivel, why don't you try going into somewhere
like, say, London Executive in Great Suffolk Street, tell them you are a
Licenced hackney driver wanting a job, and see how quickly they show you
the door. I doubt you'd be going slow enough to notice there's a floor...
Mike Hughes
A Taxi driver licensed for London and Brighton
at home in Tarring, West Sussex, England
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