BBC's Dire Coverage of the Thames Flotilla and other Jubillee Events
On Jun 8, 9:51*pm, Recliner wrote:
On Fri, 8 Jun 2012 13:22:21 -0700 (PDT), Roger Murray
Then there were the protocols. Royal. Unbelievable security levels.
Health and Safety etc. Dictats from the Port of London Authority. They
even dictated that the Queen and the Duke had to wear life jackets
when going out to the Royal Barge on Britannia's tender. The Duke told
them in no uncertain terms to eff off! That is fact! *Did you notice
everyone else on that craft, even the two Royal funkiest in red, were
all wearing life jackets! All exept HRH and the Duke!
Ahem, HM, not HRH (which happens to be one of the most
complained-about commentators' errors).
Ahem. Think you are somewhat misinformed. Depends on who is making the