On 10/06/2012 13:04, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 11:57:27 on Sun, 10 Jun
2012, " remarked:
Say, instead of installing wi-fi and having hipsters cram stations
looking at their "really cool" websites or blogs, why don't the mobile
service providers simply work on installing regular service -- at
least within stations.
They did, but it proved to be too expense. And if there were all
networks represented, with no domestic roaming, it would be up to 4x
that expensive
It was only ever going to be a single installation, with the system
likely being shared by the networks. (IIRC on the T&W Metro, coverage
was initially Orange only, but the other networks got a look in after a
short while.) There's no chance on the Tube of there being 2/3/4/5
competing installations from different networks.