Massive Oxford Street Traffic Jam Saturday 28 Feb ?
Does anyone know the cause of a massive traffic jam in Oxford Street
(Eastbound) on Saturday? I saw it from Oxford Circus right back to Marble
Arch (which was starting to snarl up) and the Edgware Road Southbound looked
awful too. I was on a Westbound number 6 around 4 pm which was just getting
through as most junctions had been left clear. Many Eastbound RM drivers
were out of their cabs - they had clearly been there a long time. All I saw
near Oxford Circus was a taxi and a number 94 bus (Eastbound) that had
clearly had a little unplanned rendezvous - it looked like the taxi had been
starting to do a 180 degree turn. All drivers involved and possibly an
official were in heated debate - but the cab had been left blocking the
Eastbound lane of Oxford Street. Why wasn't the cab moving over - so at
least the traffic could start moving while they exchanged details? Was this
minor incident the cause of a traffic jam that was clearly going to take Bus
Schedulers hours to recover from and would also inconvenience thousands of
passengers trying to get home from the West End on a busy Saturday? Or was
is something else and the accident just a coincidence? Apart from one person
who may have been a TfL official (?) I saw no police anywhere or anyone else
trying to unravel the mess. So what's the point of all these cameras and
surveillance if no one reacts promptly to these situations?