The dangleway
On Tue, 3 Jul 2012 13:40:48 +0100
Mike Bristow wrote:
In article ,
Its fairly obvious its just a glorified fairground ride. It serves no useful
public transport purpose , its just a way to get a view of the thames.
Perhaps this is the best we can expect in new crossings since the beckton
road bridge across the thames was ditched.
I think you're likely right. This, of course, begs the question of why
my council tax is being spent subsidising a tourist attraction.
Probably another shiny toy to go alongside Boris's daft bus that he can
point at in his dotage and say "I did that" regardless of the money wasted
on it that could have been a lot better spent elsewhere. Still, at least
these toys provide some amusement to the public unlike all the moronic
causes-of-the-week that Ken used to waste tax money on.