Labour backs plans to return railway network to public control - Guardian/Observer
On Jul 4, 10:36*pm, Eric wrote:
On 2012-07-04, e27002 wrote:
On Jul 4, 7:55?pm, Eric wrote:
On 2012-07-04, e27002 wrote:
If you have any knowledge of the English language, you will know that
cannot be a marriage. ?A circle can never be a square.
So if I disagree with you, I must therefore have no knowledge of the
English language (which was not the subject of discussion). So not an
honest or a defensible argument then, are you happy to use it?
And no, a circle is not a square, but both are geometric figures formed
by enclosing part of the plane with an unbroken line. Both are shapes
that might be used in, say, the design of a steam locomotive.
Dictionary definitions are not a valid basis for arguing about concepts.
And we do not really want to know about your world view, beliefs, and
opinions, much less have you expect that we should agree with them.
Sentiment mutual. *Take your left field mishigas elsewhere.
Yiddish insults now! Not even bad arguments any more. Often taken as a
sign that someone has no arguments left and can hope only for the last
But then we know what you are like, and I should really have known
better than to speak to you at all.
You can dish it out but not take it? I do not expect you to share my
beliefs. But, I am as entitled to hold them, as you yours.
Your unpleasantness was not necessary. What makes you think we want
your commie, homo hugging, global warming, baby killing nonsense?
Let me try one more time: "Marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
And, where were your "good" arguments?