Labour backs plans to return railway network to public control - Guardian/Observer
On Jul 5, 9:49*am, wrote:
On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 22:56:33 -0700 (PDT)
e27002 wrote:
your commie, homo hugging, global warming, baby killing nonsense?
Yeah , global warming is all a big conspiracy.
Hows are the forest fires doing over there these days? Has the temp dropped
under 100F yet?
Not too many fires on the south coast of England. We have had an
awful amount of rain though.
Al Gore is glad to have you on board his money making venture I am
sure. Do check out the energy consumption of his mansion.
Hint, the Hockey Stick graph to watch is the money supply.
Let me try one more time: "Marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
Marriage is whatever its defined to be by the society it exists in, not
by some 2000 year old increasingly irrelevant book.
Try as I might, I cannot think of one culture over the most recent
3,000 years that has defined marriage other than the accepted way.
Now I will grant you that many have, and some do, allow a man to have
several simultaneous marriages. Only one AFIK allows a woman to have
several husbands. I will leave the feminazis to argue that one.
Except to say one cannot imagine the tsuris more than one wife would
bring. And, as for more than one mother-in-law, oivey.