Green Party lunacy
Redonda wrote:
The Green Party's candidate for Mayor of London has said on TV that, if
elected in June, he would put in place a blanket speed limit of 20mph
throughout the Greater London area and stop any more road building projects.
I wonder if that includes those freeways that are under TfL control.
Apart from the potential for more accidents as people have their eyes glued
to the speedo instead of the road they obviously haven't considered the
extra pollution caused by vehicles having to use lower gears (1st and 2nd
instead of 4th and 5th), especially on roads that are, at present, 40 or
50mph limits. It's odd that many people equate exhaust emissions with road
speed rather than engine revs.
It isn't proportional to engine revs either, although they are a better
indication of emissions than road speed.
Also, what would the Greens do about cyclists, roller bladers/skaters,
skate-boarders, etc all of whom can (and often do) exceed 20mph?!
You'd be hard pressed to find a skateboarder exceeding 20mph. Even
cyclists don't all that often (normal cruising speed for most cyclists
is nearer 20km/h).
I just hope that *all* motorists don't forget to vote, otherwise these
loonies might just get in.
Who'd vote for them?