Sidings at Victoria
"77002" wrote in message
On Jul 10, 12:24 pm, Geoffrey wrote:
Hi there.
Anyone know anything about the sidings situated to the west of the
line south of Victoria station, but north of the river? These appear
to fall away from the main station approach, from which they are
separated by a retaining wall, and terminate to the east of some kind
of medium-rise building. Two sidings remain of what appears to once
have been a greater number, and, to the west of the pointwork at the
entrance to these, there is another, shorter, and apparently disused
siding. The surrounding space contains some huts and an access road.
The whole area is contained in a triangle about 600 by 150 feet, and
intrigues me because it could make an interesting 4mm scale model. The
difference in elevation between the main lines entering the station
and the sidings, the retaining wall and, perhaps, a train or two held
waiting to enter the terminus, would make a convincing backdrop.
Many years ago the Boat Train was stabbled there. It utilized UK
guage Wagon Lits consists.
That would have been unusual - it normally stabled in Grosvenor Carriage
Shed on the down (east) side of the approach to Victoria, though there may
have been occasions when engineering work meant that it was handled on the
Brighton side of Victoria.
My memories of those sidings were that they were used for stabling Oxted
demus between the peaks. Among the buildings on railway land in the area is
the Victoria BTP Police Station.