Heathrow queues not getting better in run up to Olympics
Recliner wrote on 11 July 2012 21:36:45 ...
On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 18:31:19 +0100, Paul Corfield
On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:07:32 +0100, Roland Perry
"Extra police are to be drafted into Heathrow after passengers who had
been held in long queues tried to push past immigration officers without
having their passports checked.
"Immigration officers also claimed they had been subjected to verbal and
racist abuse from passengers and slow hand-clapping by those frustrated
at the delays.
"The Immigration Services Union told the Daily Telegraph its members
were seeing public disorder issues in queues at the airport, which have
been up to half-a-mile long in recent days.
Report from a travel trade site.
Hardly surprising - if you implement savage manpower cuts and then
turn people's working arrangements upside down *and* insist we have
"fortress borders" what on earth do the Government expect?
I predict there will be meltdown over the Olympics period somewhere in
the UK where immigration control is required. Possibly not Heathrow
but the Government are just shifting the problem out of the most
obvious spotlight.
They're going to have to revert for quicker checks for low risk
arrivals, just as they used to do before Theresa May went all macho on
the subject. It's funny how the Home Office seems to be fatal for the
reputation of previously successful politicians.
Previously successful? What notable successes did she have previously?
This is her first ministerial appointment.
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)