New DLR trains
On 16/07/2012 14:42, Neil Williams wrote:
I rode on one of the new(ish) DLR trains for the first time on sunday. Going
at full pelt from shadwell to westferry there wasn't any wobble at the
front at all. So there was a design fault with the old trains which the TfL
apologists on here constantly denied despite being asked why no other tram
system exhibited it.
I thought it was a wheel profile issue, of running what are effectively
trams on normal rail.
Agreed, and the new trains are susceptible to the issue as well.
ISTR Manchester Metrolink used to have a similarly awful ride, though that
might have been because they built it on the cheap and left lots of the old
life expired track in place, particularly on the Bury line. The new builds
look very different.