Movement of bendy buss's
On Thu, 2 Aug 2012 00:08:30 +0100
"Tim Roll-Pickering" wrote:
The disaster is also the result of
policies from the first Boris administration coupled with current
government policies. No blaming the opposition this time.
It'll probably happen regardless. Conservatives learned to blame past
governments where necessary from Blair - and there were times when he blamed
the Macmillan government so there's precedent for resorting to this line for
a few decades yet.
In certain cases it is justified. The thatcher government did screw up
british industry and mess up the trains. The blair government did preside
over a pointless war, flagrant public spending and ideoligically based mass
immigration just to stick one to the BNP. These arn't things the following
government can change in the space of 5 years.