Movement of bendy buss's
On Thu, 02 Aug 2012 14:01:22 +0100
Recliner wrote:
Most of those have improved through privatisation. You forgot BA, BP,
Well , thats debatable. They could have improved anyway. No large industries
in the UK bar finance were particularly well run in the 70s and 80s and
i'm not convinced that converting a public monopoly into a private one
benefits the end consumer. Privatising BA and BP made sense as they operated
in a competative market. Gas & water? Not in my opinion.
Unfortunately flogging off the family silver is a standard tory response to
the treasury cupboard looking bare. Heavy borrowing is the Labour response to
the same.
And PFI. Remember how Gordon Brown managed to find an even worse way
of privatising the Tube than Major did BR?
Gordon Brown - what can you say? Probably the worst PM since Wilson.