On Thursday, 23 August 2012 22:22:46 UTC+1, wrote:
On 22/08/2012 16:10, Steve Fitzgerald wrote:
In message , d writes
When I left the Picc nearly 2 years ago (how time flys!) most of the
'fast' had been upgraded and all TSRs removed. I think it's all up to
scratch now.
"Fast" obviously means something different in the piccadilly line control
room in that case. I doubt we went above 30mph on my recent trip along
Fast as in the fast line as opposed to the local line which I am more
familiar with these days, not the actual speeds travelled but the
Maybe the train that was moving at 30 miles had signals against it?
I think you are right about the picc the Metropolitan is just as bad why advertise "fast" trains when they do 40mph it doesnt make any sense! It seems to me to be very deceptive !