Grauniad story:
Not surprised at those prices - £95 a ticket for a trip up a scummy
stinking ex-industrial river aka Lee.
When I went to the Olympic Park for the Paralympics - I managed to get
one ticket after battling with the 'not fit for purpose' ticketing web
site - I did see a small (a very small) queue of people waiting for
such a boat. But there were no signs advertising the service at the
Park, indeed I live in London and never once saw any advertising for
this now bankrupt service at all.
But then with the prices of tickets and then food & drink at the Park
being way beyond reason - e.g. a small bottle of Dutch pi$$ aka
Heineken at £4.30 and food prices equally outrageous - anyone
attending needed a mortgage to finance the visit.
AND with the tickets you usually also got a 'free' Travelcard.
So I'm not surprised that the water taxi's gone bust. But I wonder who
was running the company and who the drivers were? I bet they were
greedy speculators out for a quick buck and were not river-folk.