Olympic Water Chariots - sunk ..
On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:52:02 +0100
"michael adams" wrote:
Have you ever thought of seeking counselling for this deep seated
feeling of resentment and bitterness you feel ? This desire for
vengeance ?
A desire to see proper justice done against someone who, for example, murdered
2 little girls ITYF is pretty normal. Its hand wringing feminised bleeding
hearts like you who would see even the most depraved killers treated with
respect who have the deep seated psychological issues but you dress up your
abnormality as "liberalism" to give it some sort of bogus credibility. You
only think you have the majority view because people of your persuation tend
to gravite towards fluffy careers such as the media which then expounds it as
the prevailing zeitgiest. It isn't.