Strange track layout at Moorgate Northern?
On 16/09/2012 22:12, Paul Cummins wrote:
Evening all
I;ve just reviewed a Youtube video, which shows a peculiarity at Noorgate
northern, southbound platform.
At the southern end of the platform, the line cuts to the right, to
entern tunnel on the right habd side of the cut, instead of the (natural)
left hand side on a right/hand platform.
Anyone else noticed this? IS it a hangover from the 1923 widening works,
or is there somethign on the opposite side of the tunnel - such as a
Str*t*g*c R*s*rv* ?
Anyone with layout plans pre and post?
It's only the now-disused crossover that the southbound tunnel heads
toward. The platform extension works do indeed explain why the track
cuts across the platform area.