Dartford crossing
On 2012\10\10 00:48, Dave Plowman wrote:
In article ,
JNugent wrote:
On 09/10/2012 16:04, Dave Plowman wrote:
In article ,
Anyway , there's no chance of this hairbrained bill making it through.
If it does the tories are finished for a generation as they'll have
****ed their own supporters royally.
Which they did with the poll tax. Saying it would be fair for everyone,
which translates into their very rich pals paying less in proportion.
"In proportion" to what?
Are you that thick? The poll tax was a fixed sum paid by everyone.
Replaced a tax based on property value. The result being those in an
expensive property paid the same as those in a slum.
And why shouldn't they? If a rich person takes out AA on their car,
they pay the same as a poor person. If a rich person goes to the cinema
they pay the same as a poor person. If a rich person gets on the tube
they pay the same as a poor person. Why should rich people pay more for
sewage and rubbish collection?