point to stay related to transports
In message , at 22:24:22 on
Mon, 22 Oct 2012, Paul Corfield remarked:
However we have no idea quite how well off the OP is
Reasonably so, to be proposing staying in a hotel in Cambridge, hiring a
car and driving 100 miles a day in it.
Don't FCC have some complex restrictions on trains out
of KX if you happen to hold an off peak ticket?
Not really. If you have an off-peak day return ticket from Cambridge
there's a simple blackout period of 4.30pm to 7pm. To avoid whatever the
rail equivalent of "rat-running" is, FCC have a rather complex system of
rules for other journeys, but that's not relevant to the OP's
In any case the sensible ticket to buy is a weekly season, so all the
time/route restriction stuff is irrelevant.
Roland Perry