In article slrnc6p76h.9v2.takeme2yourNOMORESPAMPLEASE@scratc, u n d e r a c h i e v e r writes:
On 1 Apr 2004 11:28:25 -0800, Paul Weaver wrote:
... and there's nothing unreliable about hydro.
Greens don't like Hydro. Or Windmills. Or Tidal Barriers. Or Fossil.
Or Nuclear. What makes you think they'll be happy about fusion?
*some* people who might call themselves green might like or dislike all
sorts of things. I don't call myself a green. The things I dislike most in
power generation are pollution from fossil burning, rubbish incineration and
nukes. And the bills I have to pay. No doubt if fusion ever becomes a
reality it will have some huge disadvantage I can't yet imagine...

u n d e r a c h i e v e r

Talking to someone in the field in the fifties, Nuclear power
was generally seen as *the* future solution then. Fusion has been on the
horizen for a long time. I wonder if it will ever deliver?
****** David Round - EMail
Tel (01248) 382416 *****
*****These are my own views, I represent nobody (Well maybe myself)*****
***********I guarantee nothing - Particularly the spelling**************