Free Tube station WiFi extended until "early 2013"
Neil Williams wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
I appreciate that you may think that the service should not require you
to use a browser but I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to make
the rules as it's their system. It is also by no means the only "free"
wi-fi service I have used which requires a browser page first.
This will however put me off using it. There must be a more practical
approach to this that means you don't have to log in each time.
There is a way around it if you install a second browser on your
phone. I use Firefox and the default (Android) browser on my HTC. I
use the Android browser to log in and Firefox to surf.
When I get to a station it is a simple matter of clicking "Back" in
the default browser and then "Refresh". You can click "Back" just
before entering the station to give more browsing time..