shock, horror: few commuters using dangleway
On 18/11/2012 22:46, Neil Williams wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
"It's public transport." Hmm...
In what way is it not? And if it is not, what are TfL doing getting
involved in it? Things that aren't public transport (e.g tour buses) are
way outside their remit.
I'm far from convinced it serves any real, substantive public transport
TfL are involved because the Mayor told them to be involved, it's as
simple as that.
I wish the dangleway every success, I just can't see how that success
might come about.
It does at least provide Londoners with a 'ride with a view' at a rather
more accessible price than the (still fantastic) London Eye, so families
can be in appreciation of that. (Don't get me started on twenty five
quid for the Shard!)
FWIW, LT did used to run tour buses! And one could undoubtedly argue the
9 and 15 'Heritage routes' aren't primarily about public transport.