Contactless ('wave-and-pay') payment progress?
On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 12:44:18 +0000, Roland Perry
In message , at 12:28:41 on Fri, 30 Nov
2012, Mizter T remarked:
Barclaycard OnePulse cards always had payWave functionality, it's not a
recent addition - that was part of the original selling point.
Fair enough, but what will happen (soon) on a London Bus: which of the
two elements will "win"; or will it refuse to pick either, claiming you
are trying to use more than one card at once?
Unless the two elements are connected and can decide between
themselves, which is almost impossible to believe, then it's like
having an Oyster and a PayWave in the same wallet, which already
causes trouble. My wallet, with Oyster, ITSO and a Spanish one (not
sure what standard that one is) is guaranteed to fail!