Bus passes
On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 11:56:17PM +0000, Tony Dragon wrote:
On 02/12/2012 19:31, Paul Corfield wrote:
There is decent enough information around as to where Oyster does or
does not work. IMLE many TOCs go to reasonable lengths to display
posters at stations and on trains and to use in train displays to say
clearly where Oyster stops being valid. I'm pretty sure Greater
Anglia, London Midland, C2C and Southern use these means. I rarely use
South Eastern but am well aware of the Dartford difference.
All SWT stations tell you what zone they are in, usually on the nameboard.
Those that are inside the zones aren't the problem. Do those that are
outside the zones make it really clear that Oyster *isn't* valid? And do
they make it obvious *before you get on the train at Waterloo*?
Southern don't.
David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information
Arbeit macht Alkoholiker