London buses to offer contactless payment card option from tomorrow (12/12/12)
In message , at 20:12:14 on
Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Paul Corfield remarked:
Come on Roland - you are expecting all the answers to the end state of
the scheme which is not due for at least a year.
If it's all not already in the plans for the implementation team, then
they would seem to be making things up as they go along. I hope that's
not the case.
That is not what I said. I would expect that the design and
development is signed off by now and implementation / testing should
be well under way. Design and development info is not made public on
the TfL website - you know that. Any info would most likely surface
via the "conference circuit" and Google throws up one or two
standardised TfL presentations that give a scheme overview but little
detail. Again hardly unexpected.
It is clear from reading the TfL quarterly investment reports that TfL
have been asked to prioritise work on ITSO integration by the DfT. The
only other issue that has been mentioned in those documents is the
banks asking for revisions to security controls. I don't believe that
translates to "making it up as you go along".
Railway projects usually get a fair few years of advance information to
the public (or a few decades for something like Thameslink or
All the questions I asked should have solid answers by now. Why are they
so afraid to publish the vision of how it'll all work in a couple of
Roland Perry