"Tony Dragon" wrote in message
On 07/01/2013 23:01, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 22:14:05 +0000, "Richard J."
Basil Jet wrote on 07 January 2013
13:13:48 ...
Mon 14 Jan 20:00-20:30
Piccadilly Line etc.
Huh? Are you advertising a TV programme? If so, which channel?
BBC4 - the prog is about 55 Broadway.
It has been shown before but the LU 150 celebrations are a good
for a re-run.
Surbiton Station would be one example of Art Deco.
Except the main frontage could be said to be simply a stucco
knockoff of Holden's designs for the likes of Sudbury Town and
Northfields executed 5-7 years earlier.
Holden and Ashfield sensibly chose brick which requires less
maintenance and wears better than white stucco which looks shabby
without frequent repainting. More especially on buildings
such as railway stations in the centre of towns. On seaside
pavilions perhaps...
The tower at the side looks very much like an afterthought
unlike Holden's tower at Osterley. While the ventilation
slats at the top add interest, its hard not to conclude
that the clock would have been better placed by being
incorporated into the main frontage in some way.
michael adams