In message id of Sun,
17 Feb 2013 15:23:50 in, Dr J R Stockton reply1300@ writes
In message , Sat,
16 Feb 2013 12:05:34, tim..... posted:
Note that this is a multi-lingual site, so you might be able to use
this in
your native language if you prefer (just change the "en" at the end).
and just what do you change it to to get it to talk to you in squiggle
squiggle language
Presumably the two-letter code for the squiggle squiggle language, which
a squiggle squiggle reader should know. The site goes blank for unknown
codes, which is bad implementation.
Apparently TfL does not support the American language, no doubt
expecting them to learn proper English.
I don't believe that this site is designed to facilitate calling it as a
URL in languages other than German - the default language.
It requires effort to learn how to drive that interface.
It seems to require source access to find those codes.
In Internet Explorer, that is easy - View/Source. In Firefox, the option
is more obscure and I can't be bothered finding it. I don't use other
The source which does the selection is
label class="structural-label" for="languages"Change
language/labelselect name="language" id="languages"option
value="en" selected="selected"English/optionoption value="de"Deutsc
h/optionoption value="fr"Français/optionoption value="it"Italian
o/optionoption value="es"Español/optionoption value="bn"?????/o
ptionoption value="hi"??????/optionoption value="gr"????????/opt
ionoption value="tr"Türkçe/optionoption value="vi"Ti?ng
Vi?t/optionoption value="gu"???????/optionoption value="pa"?????
?/optionoption value="ja"???/optionoption value="ru"???????
????/optionoption value="pl"jezyk polski/optionoption value="zh-
cmn"????/optionoption value="zh-yue"????/optionoption value="ur"
????/optionoption value="ar"????
The language selectors are en, de, fr, etc.
e.g. to call it in Türkçe(I assume that is Turkish), the URL is
Just for fun, I quote a more complicated working URL:
ssionID=0&itdDate=20130211&type_origin=stop&name_o rigin=WHITECHAPEL&type
_destination=stop&name_destination=TOWER%20HILL&it dTripDateTimeDepArr=ar
Walter Briscoe