"Basil Jet" wrote in message
On 2013\03\31 17:10, antoine wrote:
When I was in London 40 years ago, taxi fares were cheap. I used to
travel by taxi only short trips in the central area, but I remember
that it was not expensive at all. It was necessary to give a little tip
to the taxi driver otherwise he would say a lot of bad words to you.
How are nowadays the taxi fares? Still the same? Thank you
About 10 times as much as in Delhi, but about half as much as in Zurich.
Though completely ignored from that study is whether the fares are regulated
or not
In London they are and you will be guaranteed to pay the same price for any
specific journey whichever cab you jump into -and don't even think about not
getting into the one at the front of the queue
That won't happen in Stockholm where, apart from a requirement to actually
display the price - it is a free for all, so wandering down the queue is
normal (well if you are of the tiny subset paying the fare yourself!).