Escalator etiquette
On Thursday, 25 July 2013 11:02:41 UTC+1, wrote:
Why is it that you can have everyone on an escalator standing on the right
yet there's always one muppet tourist standing on the left who doesn't
seem to clock that fact? Where do these people leave their brains when they
visit London?
At Heathrow its amusing to see passengers just arrived from a flight take the escalators down to the tube platforms. They usually stand all over the place, balancing luggage on the steps, chatting, and obviously wondering where to go when they get off.
Contrast this with passengers arriving from London, likely heading for Departures. Then they all stand on the right, with their luggage neatly arranged in front of them, so as not to block the left hand side. They've been well trained by irate commuters in the rush-hour!!
But the REALLY irritating ones are the tourists and commuters who are texting or doing Facebook or Twitter or something whilst on the escalators and then when they get to the end they step off and simply stop to finish what they were sending. Meanwhile others are piling up behind them not able to get off because their exit is effectively blocked. Actually this is quite dangerous. If I get caught behind one of these idiots the only real solution is to push them out of the way with some strongly chosen words aimed in their direction.