On Sun, 4 Aug 2013 10:38:34 +0200, Robin9
'Recliner[_2_ Wrote:
;138172']The Crossrail tunnelling is now halfway through. Here's a BBC
feature to
mark the occasion:
Europe's largest current construction project is now halfway through,
having absorbed over 25 million working hours and produced around eight
miles of tunnels. Last year and this year the project supported the
equivalent of 13,800 full-time jobs throughout the supply chain.
Very interesting. Thank you for posting that. I'm astonished by the
that this project is "supporting" the equivalent of 13,800 full time
jobs. Can that be correct?
I've not seen the maths, but I wonder how many of those jobs are in
the UK? For example, the expensive TBMs are all German, as the UK
(which invented the idea) no longer makes them.