In message , John Ray
Ian Jelf wrote:
By the way, anecdotal evidence suggested that people in wheelchairs
travel free on TfL buses. But none of the drivers (nor one inspector)
were absolutely sure and I couldn't find it written down anywhere. One
driver even said he thought that one helper was carried free as well.
Ideas anyone?
"Eligible disabled" people qualify for a Freedom Pass if they live in
London. These passes are paid for by the London boroughs and give the
holders free travel on most public transport services in London.
Yes, I knew about Freedom passes but I could have *sworn* that I'd seen
written down somewhere (I thought it was in the 2004 edition of "Fares &
Tickets" but it isn't) a blanket "free travel" note for those in
wheelchairs. Each of the drivers (and the inspector) to whom we spoke
thought the same and yet I can find no reference on the TfL site.
Ian Jelf, MITG, Birmingham, UK
Registered "Blue Badge" Tourist Guide for
London & the Heart of England