David Hansen wrote in message . ..
On Thu, 8 Apr 2004 07:17:38 +0100 someone who may be "John Rowland"
wrote this:-
London Underground (LU) has been warned that it could be sued by disabled
people if it does not improve access for them by October.
By then the part of the Disability Discrimination Act which governs access
to transport will come into force.
A lawyer's money making scheme. The Act requires modifications that
are reasonable, which is right. What is wrong is paying lawyers to
argue over what is reasonable.
I'm afraid I would strongly disagree. While in principle it should
seem easy to determine what constitutes "reasonable" it isn't always
clear cut. And it can have significant benefits for the disabled
community. For example, the charity I work for took a case against
GNER on behalf of a disabled client which resulted in them changing
their disabled passenger policy. I rather doubt that would have
happened if one of my fellow lawyers had not been involved.