National Rail tickets beyond the Freedom Pass boundary
In message , at
09:08:49 on Thu, 29 Aug 2013, Matthew Dickinson
On Thursday, 29 August 2013 12:58:37 UTC+1, Roland Perry wrote:
What's your authority for that? I'm fairly sure XC doesn't have to
accept EMT's ITSO tickets between Nottingham and Derby, for example.
The authority is the Conditions of Carriage. Cross Country do have to
accept ITSO cards, unless the tickets contained on the card are
operator specific.
I can only see a paragraph which indicates the opposite:
Each ticket is issued subject to:
the conditions which apply to Electronic Tickets, Smartcards,
other devices used for storing Electronic Tickets and certain
types of reduced and discounted fare tickets as set out in the
notices and other publications issued by the Train Companies
whose trains you are entitled to use;
In other words, all the train company has to do is issue a notice saying
"sorry, no ITSO cards accepted".
Roland Perry