St Pancras Renaissance Hotel interiors
On Fri, 4 Oct 2013 10:42:55 +0100, Roland Perry
In message
, at 03:47:53 on Fri, 4 Oct 2013, Recliner
I must admit that I wish the booking hall was still in
use as such. I used it from time to time when I lived in Bedford, and I
did notice its magnificence.
It's now at the wrong level of course:
From the street outside (if you are approaching from the Euston
direction) the best route to the EMT platforms is through the hotel and
along what's now the 'upper' floor.
Though it's regarded as the ground floor of the hotel.
Yes, through the front door, lobby and 'Booking Office', from where you
emerge onto what's now the 'upper' floor of the station (not far from
the Betjeman statue).
Yes, the Booking Office bar/restaurant also has tables in the station
at platform level. It's the one bit of new modern hotel that extends
into the station.